Friday 15 February 2013

Evaggelia the Extroverted

Hi there!I am Evaggelia and I am extroverted because I have a lot of friends, I want to make people smile and make them feel good!!Moreover I am a dreamer because I believe in a better a world! If we try I am sure that we will have a very good result!!!
I am 13 years old and I am a good student.I like listening to music and playing the guitar.Also I love dancing and going out with my friends.Moreover, in my free time I love reading fantasy novels.I like watching fantasy and romantic movies.Also I like write love poems!Moreover,I like draw with my friend Nefelie.Finally I love design clothes!
If I were in a fairytale,I would be a fairy because sometimes I believe in magie!
If I ruled the world for one day,I would try to make the world better! If I could make 3 wishes,I would like 1)to make people happy and smile 2)to extinguish illnesses 3)to stop all wars.
If I could have lunch with a famous person it would be Robert Pattinson because I admire him and he is a very good actor.Also he supports people in need with charity donations.I LOVE ROBERT PATTINSON!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was stuck on a desert island for the rest of my life and I could only take 3 things with me, I would take one of my friends, my mobile phone and my favourite novel!

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